Calendar of Lessons

HISTORY HAPPENS Calendar of Lessons
AugIntro to NHD
Sep      Theme and categories
Sep      Choosing your Topic and Sizing your Topic; and Choosing your Category
OctResearch: The Hunt,  Primary vs Secondary Sources and Historical Context
OctThesis workshop
Nov      Organizing my Project (Project Layouts)
NovGetting the Big Get (Student-run Research Interview)
DecImpact and Conclusion
DecAnnotated Bibliography
DecProcess Paper
JanProcess Paper Workshop
Jan       Appealing to the Judges: Judges’ Rubric and the Judges’ Interview
Feb 4-6Esc County Contest
Feb       Review Judges’ Sheet to Rework the Project for State
Apr 1    Registration, Process Paper and Annotated Bib due into FHD
AprWhat to expect at State
Apr“How to Nail the Judges’ Interview Part I”
May      “How to Nail the Judges’ Interview Part 2”
May 4-6Florida History Day Competition