Calendar of Progress!

CLASS PROJECT1-SepParent signature re: the notification of the assignment
Due typically in January4-SepVeterans, begin researching topics and contact the Mateers if needed
7-SepVeterans, begin researching topics and contact the Mateers if needed
11-SepVeterans, target 5 primary and 5 secondary sources by the end of September 🙂
14-SepTell your parents or guardians about your history project and History Happens
18-SepDOWNLOAD and read the NHD Theme booklet (pay attention to pg 3-6)NHD Theme Book
21-SepWatch Theme webinar by NHDNHD Theme Video "Rights and Responsibilities"
25-SepTake time to go through "Primary Source Nexus" (one stop shop for NHD support)Primary Source Nexus 2024 "Turning Points" (THE RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES will be released soon)
28-SepGo down rabbit holes on the NHD website (Contest- Theme)NHD Website
2-OctGo down rabbit holes on the NHD website (Contest- Contest)NHD Website
6-OctDOWNLOAD/Read the NHD Contest Rule Book (NOTE: Be aware of 2022 changes)NHD Rule Book
7-OctTake time to go through "Primary Source Nexus" (one stop shop for NHD support)Primary Source Nexus 2024 "Turning Points"
8-OctRead through Wikipedia page about your topics (DO NOT CITE)
9-OctResearch potential topics that interest you such as "Rights and Responsibilities in Math" "R & R in Science" "R & R in Sports" "R & R in the Chinese Culture" etc.
10-OctWatch two or three videos or documentaries on possible topics
10-OctDo simple research to see which one has best impact and mulitple perspectives
12-OctLook at project examples to see which category you are drawn to.Project Examples
14-OctRead 1 simple book on your topic to get started understanding the players and context
15-OctFind 2 sources listed at the bottom of the Wikipedia page
16-OctCreate a FIRST draft of your Thesis; complete the Thesis Critical Element Hunt, then modify your first draft. (This should take at least 30 minutes!)Thesis Lesson
18-OctFind 1 documentary about your topic
20-OctFind 2 sources at a Presidential Library during your topic's timeframe (or collection if there's no Pres Library)Presidential Libraries
23-OctOr Find 2 sources at a Presidential Collection if your President doesn't have an official libraryPresidential Papers
23-OctResearch what was happening in the community, country, world at that time
26-OctFind 2 different pictures/photos related to your topic
28-OctGo to a Library (at least 4 sources)
29-OctRead the introduction and conclusion in 2 different secondary sources (TAKE NOTES on analysis, historical context and impact!!)
29-OctChoose the category (consider the sources available and your talent)
30-OctWatch an interview with a historian or authorCheck C-SPAN or YouTube or PBS
30-OctBegin a Timeline of important events to understand and analyze causation; you will continue to add to this throughout the research and project process
31-OctWatch All 3 Noodle Tools tutorial videos (projects; citations; notecards)Noodle Tools Tutorials
31-OctLook again at at least 2 project examples in each of the 5 categoriesProject Examples
2-NovSearch 2 references that are in the back of the books
4-NovGo to History Happen's "Links Links and More Links" for resources you didn't know!History Happens "Links Links and More Links"
4-NovCircle the words on the Theme Word worksheets that pertain to your topicUse Theme Word Worksheets from History Happens
5-NovFind an autobiography about your topic
5-NovLook through Association or Organization websites related to your topic (eg: NAACP; Red Cross; CIA; OSS Society; Gallipoli Association, Unions, etc.)
6-NovResearch Context that affected your topic (Religious; Social; Political; Interactions btw humans; Cultural; Economics)
8-NovFind 1 diary, or letter about the main character in your topic
10-NovFind 1 government document about your topic from an international archive
11-NovContinue to add to the timeline; analyze the events to find what events influenced the others
12-NovFind 1 map related to your topic
12-NovFind 1 News Broadcast about your topic
13-NovFind government documents about your topic from the Library of Congress
(Link includes how to find music, newspapers, photos, documents, film, oral histories etc. Try to find one of each!)
For Students: How to Find Sources in Library of Congress
14-NovFind 2 government documents about your topic from the National ArchivesNational Archives for NHD Students
16-NovFind 2 oral histories about your topic
18-NovFind who voted for and who voted against a law associated with your topic Gov Track - See Who Voted for and Against
19-NovFind 2 scholarly articles (papers written by college students or professors; research)Try Google Scholar or "Dissertation on xxx" or "Thesis on xxx"
19-NovMake sure each of your sources are labeled "P" (Primary) or "S" (Secondary)
19-NovMake sure each of your sources are marked with an "A" once it's annotated
19-NovFind 2 sources from an online or in-person museum visit (look in the education or archive section)
20-NovFind 1 diary, or memoir, or letter about a secondary or opposing character in your topic
21-NovFind a speech related to your topic (or given during the time by a leader)
22-NovIdentify one person to interview (and work with adults to formulate an email to ask for an interview)History Happens Research Interview Guide
26-NovLook through Chronicling America (at least 4 newpaper articles; headlines)Chronicling America
27-NovCreate a second draft of your Thesis; complete the Thesis Critical Element Hunt, then modify your first draft. (This should take at least 30 minutes!)Thesis Lesson
28-NovWrite follow-up emails for anyone who helped you at a museum or library or association
28-NovGo to History Happen's "Links Links and More Links" for resources you didn't know!History Happens "Links Links and More Links"
29-NovWorkshop your thesis with Mr Craig and Miss Lesley or your teacher. Thesis Lesson
30-NovWrite your thesis on an index card in BIG LETTERS. You will keep this in front of you while you research and create your project to help stay focused and decide what to leave in and what to take out.
30-NovLook at at least 2 project examples in the category you have chosen
1-DecFind 2 international newpaper articles or documents
2-DecRead the NHD Rule book for 2020 EDITION!! (DO NOT GO BY THE EARLIER EDITION!)NHD Rule Book 2020 Edition
2-DecContinue to add to the timeline; analyze the events to find what events influenced the others
3-DecAfter your research, before you create your project, read the rules for your category AGAIN.
4-DecInterview someone directly related or affected by your topic
4-DecTranscribe the recording of your interview (make note of great quotes)
5-DecWrite a hand written thank you note for the person who you interviewed.
5-DecAnswer "Most Important Questions to Answer" from History Happens worksheets. Research and fill in any gaps.Use handouts from History Happens
10-DecBalanced Research time! Make sure you have a variety of sources including (autobiography, government documents, map, photos, oral history, speech, scholarly article, newpaper articles, museum exhibit, music, film, documentary, diary/journal/letter, interview)
10-DecBalanced Research time! Make sure you have close to the same number of primary as secondary sources.
10-DecBalanced Research time! Make sure you have sources that show multiple perspectives.
11-DecBased on your research, improve your thesis to reflect all 7 elements
12-DecMake changes to your project, annotated bib and process paper based on teacher's or Miss Lesley's or Mr. Craig's feedback.
14-DecCreate a storyboard
15-DecDo the History Happens Thesis Test (Do you have primary and secondary sources for each of the 7 elements? Are all 7 elements in/on your project? Fill in the gaps!)Use handouts from History Happens
16-DecCreate a list of 5 quotes in support of your topic and 5 quotes from opposition (go back through your sources, or keep a list as you go)
17-DecChoose a font plan for your project AND STICK WITH IT (include in Process Paper); print out names of fonts and sizes for each element (i.e. Headings, subheadings, quotes, original words, etc.)
18-DecChoose colors for your project (include why in your Process Paper)Use handouts from History Happens
18-DecHave an adult proof read written elements of your project
18-DecLook at 3 different project examples of your category and write down what you noticed from these winning projects and what you liked
18-DecMake sure all 7 pieces of your thesis have a section in your project
20-DecMake sure you have at least 2 pieces of research for each of the 7 thesis elements
20-DecWeave in Theme words in written elements of your projectUse handouts from History Happens
30-DecCreate your title page (see examples and instructions in NHD Rule Book)NHD Rule Book 2020 Edition
5-JanHave an adult proof read your Process Paper
6-JanMake sure your annotations do not start with "This"Use handouts from History Happens
7-JanMake sure your annotations have three elements (what type of source; what you learned; how you used it in your project) (if Primary or Secondary classification is not clear - justify it!)
8-JanUse the judges' rubric to include required elements in your Process Paper.
9-JanWeave in Theme words in AnnotationsUse handouts from History Happens
10-JanWeave in Theme words in Process PaperUse handouts from History Happens
COUNTY11-JanWrite your 13 cue cards for the judges interview. (1 on each question of Process Paper and 7 from History Happens handouts)Use handouts from History Happens
Feb 4-8
14-JanRead your Annotated Bibliography to prepare for the Judges' Interview
(PP and AB due mid Jan)15-JanChoose your "dress for success" contest clothing
15-JanPractice your judges' interview AGAIN!0
16-JanHave an adult play the role of the judge asking anticipated questions; answer them several different ways. Write your best answer down so you remember - but DON’T memorize them.
14-JanMake adjustments to your research, wording, process paper and project according to judges sheets
STATE5-FebTighten up your ThesisUse handouts from History Happens
May 4-6
8-FebMake changes to your project, annotated bib and process paper based on judges' sheets at County.
(PP and AB due around April 1)Feb Mar AprilContinue to research!!!!
Feb Mar AprilInclude changes to your project and new research to improve your Process Paper and Annotated Bib
AprilChoose your "dress for success" contest clothingUse handouts from History Happens
AprilWrite your 13 cue cards for the judges interview. (1 for each question of Process Paper and 7 from History Happens handouts)Use handouts from History Happens
MayRead your Annotated Bibliography to prepare for the Judges' Interview
MayPractice your judges' interview AGAIN!0
MayHave an adult play the role of the judge asking anticipated questions; answer them several different ways. Write your best answer down so you remember - but DON’T memorize them.
NATIONALSMayContinue to research!!!!
June 8-12, 2025MayGet another interview if possible (or if you were unable to get one before)
(PP and AB due around May 16)MayImprove your Process Paper and Annotated Bib to include changes to your project and new research
MayEnhance your project (tweak script; more items on exhibit; more analysis in paper; additions to website pages; more analysis and graphics in documentary)
MayMake changes to your project, annotated bib and process paper based on judges' sheets at State.